tisdag 18 september 2012

Citing dissertations in Word

Trying to find out how to cite a dissertation in Word (2010) turned out to be a matter similar to finding anything small in a haystack. Fortunately I got in touch with the Word-expert at Åbo Akademi University, and she told me how to manage this dilemma. When you manage your sources, choose "Report" and then fill in the necessary information. Word will tell you to write the thesis after "Type", but this does not work. Instead, write thesis before the name of the city, and voilà you have your source ready.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hi,
    Instead of using Word's own reference management, you might want to try Mendeley. Its a great tool for keeping your references and full texts in order, but it also allows to import references to your account from e.g. Amazon, journals ect., and with its Word plugin, you can add citations and bibliographies to your document. Mendely is available for free, both for you computer and for iPad. (earlier I tried to use Refworks, but in my opinion Mendeley is way better!)

    - irmeli (I found my way here from Nina's blog)
